Directory of \USTATION
06-01-94 8:15a
config 06-01-94 8:15a
data 06-01-94 8:16a
database 06-01-94 8:16a
dgn 06-01-94 8:17a
docs 06-01-94 8:19a
drivers 06-01-94 8:19a
edg 06-01-94 8:19a
help 06-01-94 8:20a
image 06-01-94 8:23a
license 06-01-94 8:23a
material 06-01-94 8:23a
mdl 06-01-94 8:25a
mdlapps 06-01-94 8:27a
mdlsys 06-01-94 8:27a
menus 06-01-94 8:28a
out 06-01-94 8:28a
plotcfg 06-01-94 8:29a
tables 06-01-94 8:29a
tagcfg 06-01-94 8:29a
tmp 06-01-94 8:29a
ucm 06-01-94 8:29a
utils 06-01-94 8:29a
winconn 06-01-94 8:29a
wsmod 06-01-94 8:29a
wsui 06-01-94 8:30a
bsiset exe 9051 06-01-94 5:00p
checkres exe 7301 06-01-94 5:00p
connect exe 24206 06-01-94 5:00p
connect rsc 854 06-01-94 5:00p
inpttest exe 11141 06-01-94 5:00p
keyboard exe 4000 06-01-94 5:00p
keymouse exe 4256 06-01-94 5:00p
keytab exe 9312 06-01-94 5:00p
mgds exe 2967279 06-01-94 5:00p
msbatch bat 226 06-01-94 5:00p
netinst exe 43460 06-01-94 5:00p
netinst rsc 1871 06-01-94 5:00p
netscrip scr 6752 06-01-94 5:00p
plotutil exe 56384 06-01-94 5:00p
prod ini 368 06-01-94 5:00p
rastfont lib 254052 06-01-94 5:00p
readme txt 20713 06-01-94 5:00p
rmsvcint exe 7248 06-01-94 5:00p
settings ini 133 06-01-94 5:00p
setup exe 32354 06-01-94 5:00p
setup rsc 488 06-01-94 5:00p
uninst rsc 1165 06-01-94 5:00p
uninst scr 5128 06-01-94 5:00p
uninstal exe 33350 06-01-94 5:00p
usconfig exe 236332 06-01-94 5:00p
ustation rsc 1374041 06-01-94 5:00p
ustnwin exe 65536 06-01-94 5:00p
cnfr863 rsc 908 06-01-94 5:00p
engl437 rsc 904 06-01-94 5:00p
mult850 rsc 908 06-01-94 5:00p
nord865 rsc 904 06-01-94 5:00p
port860 rsc 908 06-01-94 5:00p
appl 06-01-94 8:15a
database 06-01-94 8:15a
project 06-01-94 8:15a
site 06-01-94 8:15a
system 06-01-94 8:15a
user 06-01-94 8:15a
msconfig cfg 8379 06-01-94 5:00p
ix cfg 1270 06-01-94 5:00p
oracle cfg 1404 06-01-94 5:00p
ris cfg 1327 06-01-94 5:00p
xbase cfg 1442 06-01-94 5:00p
xbasefox cfg 1457 06-01-94 5:00p
xbasendx cfg 1457 06-01-94 5:00p
arch pcf 2185 06-01-94 5:00p
civil pcf 2270 06-01-94 5:00p
default pcf 1028 06-01-94 5:00p
learning pcf 847 06-01-94 5:00p
mapping pcf 2152 06-01-94 5:00p
mechdrft pcf 2356 06-01-94 5:00p
workdir pcf 1239 06-01-94 5:00p
site txt 3173 06-01-94 5:00p
msdirs cfg 4427 06-01-94 5:00p
msfiles cfg 4659 06-01-94 5:00p
mstrans cfg 2680 06-01-94 5:00p
arch ucf 1190 06-01-94 5:00p
archacad ucf 1212 06-01-94 5:00p
autocad ucf 1666 06-01-94 5:00p
civil ucf 1214 06-01-94 5:00p
default ucf 1298 06-01-94 5:00p
dfltuser cfg 1045 06-01-94 5:00p
learning ucf 1180 06-01-94 5:00p
mapping ucf 1182 06-01-94 5:00p
maprev ucf 1210 06-01-94 5:00p
mde ucf 758 06-01-94 5:00p
mechdrft ucf 1234 06-01-94 5:00p
mechnew ucf 1224 06-01-94 5:00p
telco ucf 2416 06-01-94 5:00p
v40 ucf 1175 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\DATA
256_neg tbl 1027 06-01-94 5:00p
cals1 sfo 2204 06-01-94 5:00p
cals1 ssf 255 06-01-94 5:00p
cals2 sfo 2064 06-01-94 5:00p
cals2 ssf 627 06-01-94 5:00p
color tbl 768 06-01-94 5:00p
color256 tbl 768 06-01-94 5:00p
curve rsc 5478 06-01-94 5:00p
curve3d rsc 2057 06-01-94 5:00p
cylcloid rsc 2146 06-01-94 5:00p
floor lvl 816 06-01-94 5:00p
glbtzone dat 1078 06-01-94 5:00p
globcity dat 4050 06-01-94 5:00p
ldefcols tbl 1024 06-01-94 5:00p
menucolr tbl 768 06-01-94 5:00p
scales stg 5844 06-01-94 5:00p
spiral rsc 4653 06-01-94 5:00p
units stg 5227 06-01-94 5:00p
oracle 06-01-94 8:16a
ris 06-01-94 8:16a
xbase 06-01-94 8:16a
xbasefox 06-01-94 8:16a
xbasendx 06-01-94 8:16a
examples 06-01-94 8:16a
ctable h 1771 06-01-94 5:00p
dasform in 131 06-01-94 5:00p
mscat sql 274 06-01-94 5:00p
orelay exe 18891 06-01-94 5:00p
orserver com 2122 06-01-94 5:00p
orserver pxe 333091 06-01-94 5:00p
orserver rsc 821 06-01-94 5:00p
forms 06-01-94 8:16a
tables 06-01-94 8:16a
colors dat 478 06-01-94 5:00p
features inp 5441 06-01-94 5:00p
highway inp 7025 06-01-94 5:00p
makeform bat 185 06-01-94 5:00p
maps inp 2245 06-01-94 5:00p
mscatalo inp 3765 06-01-94 5:00p
owner inp 3616 06-01-94 5:00p
parcdas inp 2068 06-01-94 5:00p
parcel inp 6565 06-01-94 5:00p
feat ora 2743 06-01-94 5:00p
gis sql 2224 06-01-94 5:00p
high ora 15385 06-01-94 5:00p
loadgis bat 258 06-01-94 5:00p
maps ora 295 06-01-94 5:00p
msca ora 360 06-01-94 5:00p
parc ora 129924 06-01-94 5:00p
pard ora 292 06-01-94 5:00p
examples 06-01-94 8:16a
ustnris exp 341768 06-01-94 5:00p
gis 06-01-94 8:16a
tables 06-01-94 8:16a
colors dat 463 06-01-94 5:00p
gis dmp 807066 06-01-94 5:00p
examples 06-01-94 8:16a
ctable h 1771 06-01-94 5:00p
datadict exe 314426 06-01-94 5:00p
xbasesql exp 247944 06-01-94 5:00p
xbsql rsc 999 06-01-94 5:00p
gis 06-01-94 8:16a
colors dat 478 06-01-94 5:00p
build bat 442 06-01-94 5:00p
features dbf 10798 06-01-94 5:00p
features fmt 713 06-01-94 5:00p
features mdx 4096 06-01-94 5:00p
features scr 1559 06-01-94 5:00p
highway dbf 79820 06-01-94 5:00p
highway fmt 885 06-01-94 5:00p
highway mdx 7168 06-01-94 5:00p
highway scr 1832 06-01-94 5:00p
maps dbf 702 06-01-94 5:00p
maps fmt 257 06-01-94 5:00p
maps mdx 4096 06-01-94 5:00p
maps scr 630 06-01-94 5:00p
mscatlog dbf 3278 06-01-94 5:00p
parcel dbf 404562 06-01-94 5:00p
parcel fmt 939 06-01-94 5:00p
parcel mdx 16384 06-01-94 5:00p
parcel scr 3417 06-01-94 5:00p
pard dbf 1603 06-01-94 5:00p
examples 06-01-94 8:16a
ctable h 1771 06-01-94 5:00p
datadfox exe 322730 06-01-94 5:00p
xbasefox exp 256340 06-01-94 5:00p
xbsql rsc 999 06-01-94 5:00p
gis 06-01-94 8:16a
colors dat 478 06-01-94 5:00p
build bat 442 06-01-94 5:00p
features cdx 3072 06-01-94 5:00p
features dbf 10798 06-01-94 5:00p
features fmt 713 06-01-94 5:00p
highway cdx 4096 06-01-94 5:00p
highway dbf 79820 06-01-94 5:00p
highway fmt 885 06-01-94 5:00p
maps cdx 3072 06-01-94 5:00p
maps dbf 702 06-01-94 5:00p
maps fmt 257 06-01-94 5:00p
mscatlog dbf 3278 06-01-94 5:00p
parcel cdx 6656 06-01-94 5:00p
parcel dbf 404562 06-01-94 5:00p
parcel fmt 939 06-01-94 5:00p
pard dbf 1603 06-01-94 5:00p
examples 06-01-94 8:16a
ctable h 1771 06-01-94 5:00p
datadndx exe 312490 06-01-94 5:00p
xbasendx exp 245172 06-01-94 5:00p
xbsql rsc 999 06-01-94 5:00p
gis 06-01-94 8:16a
colors dat 478 06-01-94 5:00p
build bat 445 06-01-94 5:00p
featmsl ndx 2048 06-01-94 5:00p
features dbf 10798 06-01-94 5:00p
features fmt 713 06-01-94 5:00p
features scr 1559 06-01-94 5:00p
highmsl ndx 3584 06-01-94 5:00p
highway dbf 79820 06-01-94 5:00p
highway fmt 885 06-01-94 5:00p
highway scr 1832 06-01-94 5:00p
maps dbf 702 06-01-94 5:00p
maps fmt 257 06-01-94 5:00p
maps scr 630 06-01-94 5:00p
mapsmsl ndx 1024 06-01-94 5:00p
mscatlog dbf 3278 06-01-94 5:00p
parcel dbf 404562 06-01-94 5:00p
parcel fmt 939 06-01-94 5:00p
parcel scr 3417 06-01-94 5:00p
parcmsl ndx 13824 06-01-94 5:00p
pard dbf 1603 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\DGN
arch 06-01-94 8:17a
civil 06-01-94 8:17a
default 06-01-94 8:17a
learning 06-01-94 8:17a
mapping 06-01-94 8:18a
mechdrft 06-01-94 8:18a
modeling 06-01-94 8:18a
border_d dgn 91648 06-01-94 5:00p
border_e dgn 91648 06-01-94 5:00p
border_f dgn 91648 06-01-94 5:00p
border_g dgn 91136 06-01-94 5:00p
border_h dgn 91136 06-01-94 5:00p
ddarch dgn 22016 06-01-94 5:00p
liv_room dgn 510976 06-01-94 5:00p
liv_room mat 1616 06-01-94 5:00p
pba_base dgn 114176 06-01-94 5:00p
pba_bord dgn 36864 06-01-94 5:00p
pba_elev dgn 219136 06-01-94 5:00p
pba_plan dgn 177152 06-01-94 5:00p
pool dgn 285184 06-01-94 5:00p
pool mat 774 06-01-94 5:00p
sc_fp dgn 194560 06-01-94 5:00p
sc_rc dgn 232960 06-01-94 5:00p
sc_sp dgn 425472 06-01-94 5:00p
civbor dgn 22016 06-01-94 5:00p
civsite dgn 230400 06-01-94 5:00p
house pcx 96447 06-01-94 5:00p
section dgn 25600 06-01-94 5:00p
site pcx 76508 06-01-94 5:00p
bearcutw dgn 114688 06-01-94 5:00p
bearcutw mat 126 06-01-94 5:00p
bearexpl dgn 97280 06-01-94 5:00p
bearexpl mat 124 06-01-94 5:00p
cnstrn dgn 42496 06-01-94 5:00p
longlat cit 21312 06-01-94 5:00p
longlat dgn 11776 06-01-94 5:00p
material dgn 63488 06-01-94 5:00p
material mat 4740 06-01-94 5:00p
mug dgn 43008 06-01-94 5:00p
mug mat 243 06-01-94 5:00p
oldhotel dgn 119296 06-01-94 5:00p
oldhotel mat 789 06-01-94 5:00p
plant cit 19286 06-01-94 5:00p
plant dgn 12800 06-01-94 5:00p
plate dgn 16384 06-01-94 5:00p
tag dgn 87552 06-01-94 5:00p
vase dgn 36864 06-01-94 5:00p
vase mat 71 06-01-94 5:00p
3drend dgn 91648 06-01-94 5:00p
3drend mat 287 06-01-94 5:00p
acsample dgn 16896 06-01-94 5:00p
aldefeld dgn 25600 06-01-94 5:00p
border dgn 17408 06-01-94 5:00p
bordera dgn 92160 06-01-94 5:00p
cd10 dgn 132608 06-01-94 5:00p
cd9 dgn 150528 06-01-94 5:00p
ddcell dgn 17920 06-01-94 5:00p
floor dgn 25088 06-01-94 5:00p
floorpla dgn 12800 06-01-94 5:00p
kitchen dgn 203264 06-01-94 5:00p
kitchen mat 799 06-01-94 5:00p
manifold dgn 53248 06-01-94 5:00p
newbldg dgn 57344 06-01-94 5:00p
newbldg mat 359 06-01-94 5:00p
office dgn 379392 06-01-94 5:00p
piping dgn 66048 06-01-94 5:00p
pumproom dgn 31232 06-01-94 5:00p
remodel dgn 26112 06-01-94 5:00p
sorless dgn 64512 06-01-94 5:00p
strsteel dgn 56832 06-01-94 5:00p
vwlesson dgn 120832 06-01-94 5:00p
wrench dgn 11776 06-01-94 5:00p
mapbord dgn 29696 06-01-94 5:00p
mapcont dgn 38912 06-01-94 5:00p
mapland dgn 364544 06-01-94 5:00p
maputil dgn 79360 06-01-94 5:00p
a0form dgn 14336 06-01-94 5:00p
a1form dgn 13824 06-01-94 5:00p
a2form dgn 13824 06-01-94 5:00p
a3form dgn 13824 06-01-94 5:00p
a4form dgn 13824 06-01-94 5:00p
ahform dgn 14848 06-01-94 5:00p
avform dgn 14848 06-01-94 5:00p
bform dgn 14848 06-01-94 5:00p
borda0 dgn 17920 06-01-94 5:00p
cform dgn 14848 06-01-94 5:00p
countwt dgn 146944 06-01-94 5:00p
dform dgn 15360 06-01-94 5:00p
eform dgn 15360 06-01-94 5:00p
engine dgn 19968 06-01-94 5:00p
gear dgn 92160 06-01-94 5:00p
pulley dgn 40960 06-01-94 5:00p
rim dgn 43520 06-01-94 5:00p
shaft dgn 24576 06-01-94 5:00p
spindle dgn 90112 06-01-94 5:00p
tool dgn 87040 06-01-94 5:00p
tool mat 175 06-01-94 5:00p
bogie dgn 233472 06-01-94 5:00p
bridge dgn 26112 06-01-94 5:00p
locomotv dgn 2020864 06-01-94 5:00p
wheel dgn 996352 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\DOCS
certnote txt 17121 06-01-94 5:00p
bsidgis exe 13264 06-01-94 5:00p
bsiega exe 12544 06-01-94 5:00p
bsiherc dlm 79095 06-01-94 5:00p
bsiherc ma 1701 06-01-94 5:00p
bsiibmai dlm 89816 06-01-94 5:00p
bsiibmai ma 1701 06-01-94 5:00p
bsitiga1 exe 15824 06-01-94 5:00p
bsitiga2 dlm 97559 06-01-94 5:00p
bsitiga2 ma 1701 06-01-94 5:00p
bsitiga2 rlm 47423 06-01-94 5:00p
bsivga dlm 99799 06-01-94 5:00p
bsivga ma 1701 06-01-94 5:00p
bsiwinc dlm 32304 06-01-94 5:00p
bsiwinc ma 3477 06-01-94 5:00p
ver4tiga exp 65510 06-01-94 5:00p
ver4tiga ma 3163 06-01-94 5:00p
ver4tiga rlm 6441 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\EDG
edg exe 490074 06-01-94 5:00p
edgbatch bat 815 06-01-94 5:00p
edghelp hlp 210528 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\HELP
english 06-01-94 8:20a
mdehelp hc 4096706 06-01-94 5:00p
mdehelp hlp 3694881 06-01-94 5:00p
ustnhelp hc 4275280 06-01-94 5:00p
ustnhelp hlp 3652610 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\IMAGE
glbworld jpg 175085 06-01-94 5:00p
mslogo tif 12812 06-01-94 5:00p
bump 06-01-94 8:23a
pattern 06-01-94 8:23a
backdrop pal 2281 06-01-94 5:00p
backyard pal 4533 06-01-94 5:00p
carpet pal 6267 06-01-94 5:00p
door_win pal 5170 06-01-94 5:00p
fabric pal 6247 06-01-94 5:00p
finish pal 10924 06-01-94 5:00p
flora pal 11929 06-01-94 5:00p
glass pal 6200 06-01-94 5:00p
granite pal 1727 06-01-94 5:00p
homeofic pal 15405 06-01-94 5:00p
kitchen pal 5624 06-01-94 5:00p
marble pal 5714 06-01-94 5:00p
masonry pal 8616 06-01-94 5:00p
metal pal 6738 06-01-94 5:00p
people pal 3441 06-01-94 5:00p
rug pal 2843 06-01-94 5:00p
surface pal 13128 06-01-94 5:00p
tile pal 6904 06-01-94 5:00p
vase pal 1693 06-01-94 5:00p
vehicle pal 1735 06-01-94 5:00p
water pal 1152 06-01-94 5:00p
wood pal 9089 06-01-94 5:00p
block01b tif 6732 06-01-94 5:00p
block02b tif 4998 06-01-94 5:00p
block03b tif 7568 06-01-94 5:00p
brick01b tif 11310 06-01-94 5:00p
brick02b tif 21510 06-01-94 5:00p
brick03b tif 16710 06-01-94 5:00p
brick04b tif 9810 06-01-94 5:00p
brick05b tif 8430 06-01-94 5:00p
castbump tif 231990 06-01-94 5:00p
doorbum1 tif 23064 06-01-94 5:00p
doorbum2 tif 4864 06-01-94 5:00p
moldbump tif 12860 06-01-94 5:00p
roughbum tif 22816 06-01-94 5:00p
stone01b tif 67246 06-01-94 5:00p
stone02b tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
stucco1 tif 31174 06-01-94 5:00p
stucco2 tif 74156 06-01-94 5:00p
tilebum2 tif 2510 06-01-94 5:00p
tilebump tif 67246 06-01-94 5:00p
water02b tif 42800 06-01-94 5:00p
applc01 tif 69610 06-01-94 5:00p
applc02 tif 51810 06-01-94 5:00p
applc03 tif 83216 06-01-94 5:00p
applc04 tif 89202 06-01-94 5:00p
applc05 tif 22260 06-01-94 5:00p
applc06 tif 78202 06-01-94 5:00p
applc07 tif 31916 06-01-94 5:00p
block01 tif 9902 06-01-94 5:00p
block02 tif 6062 06-01-94 5:00p
block03 tif 7568 06-01-94 5:00p
book01 tif 21710 06-01-94 5:00p
book01e tif 4590 06-01-94 5:00p
book02 tif 21390 06-01-94 5:00p
book02e tif 3310 06-01-94 5:00p
brick01 tif 11310 06-01-94 5:00p
brick02 tif 21510 06-01-94 5:00p
brick03 tif 16710 06-01-94 5:00p
brick04 tif 9810 06-01-94 5:00p
brick05 tif 8430 06-01-94 5:00p
carpet01 tif 7335 06-01-94 5:00p
carpet02 tif 11710 06-01-94 5:00p
carpet03 tif 11710 06-01-94 5:00p
carpet04 tif 11710 06-01-94 5:00p
carpet05 tif 11710 06-01-94 5:00p
carpet06 tif 11710 06-01-94 5:00p
carpet07 tif 11710 06-01-94 5:00p
carpet08 tif 11710 06-01-94 5:00p
carpet09 tif 24360 06-01-94 5:00p
carpet10 tif 24510 06-01-94 5:00p
carpet11 tif 24510 06-01-94 5:00p
cdrom tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
ceiling1 tif 15399 06-01-94 5:00p
ceiling2 tif 13623 06-01-94 5:00p
china tif 3174 06-01-94 5:00p
clock01 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
clock02 tif 27352 06-01-94 5:00p
coffee tif 18272 06-01-94 5:00p
computer tif 21210 06-01-94 5:00p
door01 tif 26010 06-01-94 5:00p
door02 tif 26610 06-01-94 5:00p
door03 tif 26160 06-01-94 5:00p
door04 tif 26760 06-01-94 5:00p
door05 tif 32460 06-01-94 5:00p
fabric01 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
fabric02 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
fabric03 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
fabric04 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
fabric05 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
fabric06 tif 22735 06-01-94 5:00p
fabric07 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
fabric08 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
fabric09 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
fabric10 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
fabric11 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
fabric12 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
fence01 tif 20812 06-01-94 5:00p
fence02 tif 67126 06-01-94 5:00p
fence03 tif 22579 06-01-94 5:00p
fence04 tif 19410 06-01-94 5:00p
fence05 tif 10460 06-01-94 5:00p
figtree tif 114628 06-01-94 5:00p
fireplc tif 44613 06-01-94 5:00p
fireplc2 tif 44260 06-01-94 5:00p
floppy01 tif 25260 06-01-94 5:00p
floppy02 tif 6986 06-01-94 5:00p
glassbk1 tif 11710 06-01-94 5:00p
glassbk2 tif 11710 06-01-94 5:00p
granite1 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
granite2 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
granite3 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
granite4 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
grass01 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
hotelpic tif 16206 06-01-94 5:00p
knotpine tif 72885 06-01-94 5:00p
laminat1 tif 18094 06-01-94 5:00p
laminat2 tif 18094 06-01-94 5:00p
laminat3 tif 18094 06-01-94 5:00p
laminat4 tif 18094 06-01-94 5:00p
laminat5 tif 18094 06-01-94 5:00p
marble01 tif 67246 06-01-94 5:00p
marble02 tif 67246 06-01-94 5:00p
marble03 tif 67246 06-01-94 5:00p
marble04 tif 67246 06-01-94 5:00p
marble05 tif 60090 06-01-94 5:00p
marble06 tif 62444 06-01-94 5:00p
marble07 tif 67246 06-01-94 5:00p
marble08 tif 67246 06-01-94 5:00p
marble09 tif 67246 06-01-94 5:00p
marble10 tif 67246 06-01-94 5:00p
marble11 tif 57698 06-01-94 5:00p
mirror tif 48283 06-01-94 5:00p
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oldpict tif 33012 06-01-94 5:00p
paver01 tif 8510 06-01-94 5:00p
paver02 tif 24210 06-01-94 5:00p
paver03 tif 45960 06-01-94 5:00p
paver04 tif 24510 06-01-94 5:00p
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plant04 tif 47576 06-01-94 5:00p
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water01 tif 61710 06-01-94 5:00p
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wp05 tif 15946 06-01-94 5:00p
wp05bd tif 17072 06-01-94 5:00p
wplate01 tif 7265 06-01-94 5:00p
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Directory of \USTATION\MDL
bin 06-01-94 8:25a
examples 06-01-94 8:26a
include 06-01-94 8:25a
library 06-01-94 8:26a
objects 06-01-94 8:27a
devtools txt 2319 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\MDL\BIN
bmake exe 66468 06-01-94 5:00p
dlmspec exe 260462 06-01-94 5:00p
linkdlm exe 249422 06-01-94 5:00p
mcomp exe 501558 06-01-94 5:00p
mlib exe 340774 06-01-94 5:00p
mlink exe 336686 06-01-94 5:00p
rcomp exe 380916 06-01-94 5:00p
rdump exe 325505 06-01-94 5:00p
rlib exe 311312 06-01-94 5:00p
rsctype exe 422998 06-01-94 5:00p
applcelm 06-01-94 8:26a
basic 06-01-94 8:26a
calculat 06-01-94 8:26a
cellpick 06-01-94 8:26a
chngtxt 06-01-94 8:26a
clibmgr 06-01-94 8:26a
database 06-01-94 8:26a
dimline 06-01-94 8:26a
dlink 06-01-94 8:26a
dlogdemo 06-01-94 8:26a
doc 06-01-94 8:26a
excfgvar 06-01-94 8:26a
features 06-01-94 8:26a
fence 06-01-94 8:26a
lineinfo 06-01-94 8:26a
listfile 06-01-94 8:26a
mdlipc 06-01-94 8:26a
misc 06-01-94 8:26a
mline 06-01-94 8:26a
newitems 06-01-94 8:26a
objects 06-01-94 8:27a
palette 06-01-94 8:26a
plashape 06-01-94 8:26a
plotting 06-01-94 8:26a
rasticon 06-01-94 8:26a
resmover 06-01-94 8:26a
rscconv 06-01-94 8:26a
rscout 06-01-94 8:26a
tangcons 06-01-94 8:27a
trumpet 06-01-94 8:27a
english 06-01-94 8:26a
apclmrsc mki 1008 06-01-94 5:00p
applcelm h 3799 06-01-94 5:00p
applcelm mc 18547 06-01-94 5:00p
applcelm mke 2773 06-01-94 5:00p
appltype mt 1471 06-01-94 5:00p
apclmsgs r 2741 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
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basic mke 2963 06-01-94 5:00p
basic r 6073 06-01-94 5:00p
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basicrsc mki 1119 06-01-94 5:00p
basictyp mt 1418 06-01-94 5:00p
basicmsg r 2020 06-01-94 5:00p
basictxt h 1776 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
calccmd r 3811 06-01-94 5:00p
calcdlog mc 2949 06-01-94 5:00p
calcdlog r 4505 06-01-94 5:00p
calcrsc mki 1130 06-01-94 5:00p
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calculat mc 35134 06-01-94 5:00p
calculat mke 2244 06-01-94 5:00p
calcmsg r 2866 06-01-94 5:00p
calctext h 2166 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
cellpick h 1931 06-01-94 5:00p
cellpick mc 12135 06-01-94 5:00p
cellpick mke 1729 06-01-94 5:00p
cellpick r 4759 06-01-94 5:00p
cellprsc mki 1037 06-01-94 5:00p
cellptxt h 1473 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
chngtxt mc 32440 06-01-94 5:00p
chngtxt mke 2332 06-01-94 5:00p
chtxtcmd r 3527 06-01-94 5:00p
chtxtdlg h 3803 06-01-94 5:00p
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chtxttyp mt 68 06-01-94 5:00p
chtxtdef h 2111 06-01-94 5:00p
chtxthlp r 3368 06-01-94 5:00p
chtxtmsg r 1818 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
clibcmd r 2338 06-01-94 5:00p
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clibmgr mke 3013 06-01-94 5:00p
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english 06-01-94 8:26a
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english 06-01-94 8:26a
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dimline mke 1869 06-01-94 5:00p
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filemain c 11855 06-01-94 5:00p
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testio1 mc 5373 06-01-94 5:00p
testio2 mc 4359 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
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dlogdemo r 37046 06-01-94 5:00p
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dlogread me 3348 06-01-94 5:00p
dlogdmsg r 1559 06-01-94 5:00p
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database mc 25833 06-01-94 5:00p
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dynamic mc 15293 06-01-94 5:00p
element mc 8321 06-01-94 5:00p
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file mc 6407 06-01-94 5:00p
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lvlnames mc 63008 06-01-94 5:00p
misc mc 13374 06-01-94 5:00p
output mc 6390 06-01-94 5:00p
params mc 10210 06-01-94 5:00p
parse mc 6559 06-01-94 5:00p
patrnmdl mc 6689 06-01-94 5:00p
state mc 3690 06-01-94 5:00p
strlist mc 6112 06-01-94 5:00p
system mc 16185 06-01-94 5:00p
tutorial mc 4971 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
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excfgvar mc 8803 06-01-94 5:00p
excfgvar mke 2040 06-01-94 5:00p
excfgmsg r 2478 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
featrsc mki 1408 06-01-94 5:00p
features dgn 13824 06-01-94 5:00p
features h 11594 06-01-94 5:00p
features mc 13111 06-01-94 5:00p
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fetcmds h 380 06-01-94 5:00p
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fetdefs mt 1464 06-01-94 5:00p
fetdlog r 14337 06-01-94 5:00p
fethook mc 35636 06-01-94 5:00p
fettype mt 1716 06-01-94 5:00p
fetutil mc 15223 06-01-94 5:00p
fetstrg r 4172 06-01-94 5:00p
fettext h 3577 06-01-94 5:00p
fenccmd r 4256 06-01-94 5:00p
fence mc 12777 06-01-94 5:00p
fence mke 1971 06-01-94 5:00p
fencmir mc 9643 06-01-94 5:00p
fencscl mc 17960 06-01-94 5:00p
mdlfence h 1362 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
lineinfo h 3233 06-01-94 5:00p
lineinfo mc 28177 06-01-94 5:00p
lineinfo mke 1734 06-01-94 5:00p
lineinfo r 13612 06-01-94 5:00p
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linemsg r 1833 06-01-94 5:00p
linetxt h 1968 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
lfilersc mki 1028 06-01-94 5:00p
listfcmd r 1948 06-01-94 5:00p
listfids h 2879 06-01-94 5:00p
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listfile mke 2119 06-01-94 5:00p
listfile r 3679 06-01-94 5:00p
lfiletxt h 1609 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
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server h 2265 06-01-94 5:00p
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servmsgs r 2080 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
cmdwindw h 1534 06-01-94 5:00p
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cmdwindw mke 2425 06-01-94 5:00p
cmdwindw r 14927 06-01-94 5:00p
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externpg c 8538 06-01-94 5:00p
externpg h 1914 06-01-94 5:00p
externpg mc 10875 06-01-94 5:00p
externpg mke 6233 06-01-94 5:00p
externpg r 1874 06-01-94 5:00p
extrnpgf for 10465 06-01-94 5:00p
extrnpgi c 3344 06-01-94 5:00p
extrnrsc mki 1007 06-01-94 5:00p
grphcmd r 2981 06-01-94 5:00p
grphrsc mki 1003 06-01-94 5:00p
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grphtest mc 27637 06-01-94 5:00p
grphtest mke 1784 06-01-94 5:00p
grphtest r 1885 06-01-94 5:00p
mn2ttrsc mki 1001 06-01-94 5:00p
mnu2tut h 1568 06-01-94 5:00p
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extrnmsg r 1616 06-01-94 5:00p
grphmsg r 3406 06-01-94 5:00p
mn2ttmsg r 1730 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
mline mc 10707 06-01-94 5:00p
mline mke 1688 06-01-94 5:00p
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mlineids h 1599 06-01-94 5:00p
mlinersc mki 993 06-01-94 5:00p
mlinemsg r 1720 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
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english 06-01-94 8:26a
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palette r 35718 06-01-94 5:00p
palicnid h 4075 06-01-94 5:00p
palettxt h 1617 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
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plaspcmd r 1800 06-01-94 5:00p
plaspmsg r 1593 06-01-94 5:00p
english 06-01-94 8:26a
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english 06-01-94 8:26a
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english 06-01-94 8:26a
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english 06-01-94 8:26a
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english 06-01-94 8:26a
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english 06-01-94 8:27a
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english 06-01-94 8:27a
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shareids 06-01-94 8:26a
stdlib 06-01-94 8:26a
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mdl h 21261 06-01-94 5:00p
mdl mki 17139 06-01-94 5:00p
mdlbspln h 7198 06-01-94 5:00p
mdldim h 18140 06-01-94 5:00p
mdlerrs h 10058 06-01-94 5:00p
mdlexmpl mki 2110 06-01-94 5:00p
mdlio h 2762 06-01-94 5:00p
mdllib fdf 8053 06-01-94 5:00p
mdlsetjp h 2966 06-01-94 5:00p
mglibpm h 17285 06-01-94 5:00p
msacs fdf 1955 06-01-94 5:00p
msassoc fdf 5167 06-01-94 5:00p
msbnrypo fdf 3305 06-01-94 5:00p
msbsplin fdf 29823 06-01-94 5:00p
msbutton h 1420 06-01-94 5:00p
mscell fdf 5328 06-01-94 5:00p
mscexpr fdf 3187 06-01-94 5:00p
msclipbd fdf 2218 06-01-94 5:00p
mscnv fdf 4345 06-01-94 5:00p
mscolor fdf 9439 06-01-94 5:00p
mscolor h 5266 06-01-94 5:00p
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msdb fdf 7031 06-01-94 5:00p
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msdos fdf 4038 06-01-94 5:00p
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msfile fdf 6732 06-01-94 5:00p
msfntxlt h 1430 06-01-94 5:00p
msfract h 11268 06-01-94 5:00p
mshelp fdf 2322 06-01-94 5:00p
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msinput fdf 3740 06-01-94 5:00p
msinputq h 13140 06-01-94 5:00p
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mswindow fdf 10758 06-01-94 5:00p
mswrkdgn fdf 2303 06-01-94 5:00p
odarray h 1587 06-01-94 5:00p
plotter h 2287 06-01-94 5:00p
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rtypes h 12571 06-01-94 5:00p
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toolset h 13648 06-01-94 5:00p
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widechar h 4520 06-01-94 5:00p
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3dtools ids 19964 06-01-94 5:00p
compcurv ids 1126 06-01-94 5:00p
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igen ids 1764 06-01-94 5:00p
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region ids 1124 06-01-94 5:00p
splines ids 2199 06-01-94 5:00p
assert h 1334 06-01-94 5:00p
ctype h 5977 06-01-94 5:00p
dos h 3130 06-01-94 5:00p
errno h 2757 06-01-94 5:00p
float h 4820 06-01-94 5:00p
limits h 1654 06-01-94 5:00p
locale h 3994 06-01-94 5:00p
math h 2733 06-01-94 5:00p
setjmp h 1664 06-01-94 5:00p
signal h 1479 06-01-94 5:00p
stdarg h 2384 06-01-94 5:00p
stddef h 1850 06-01-94 5:00p
stdio h 3454 06-01-94 5:00p
stdlib h 6180 06-01-94 5:00p
stdproto h 1477 06-01-94 5:00p
string h 2573 06-01-94 5:00p
time h 3167 06-01-94 5:00p
varargs h 2259 06-01-94 5:00p
wchar h 1600 06-01-94 5:00p
ditemlib ml 168305 06-01-94 5:00p
dlmdata lib 6656 06-01-94 5:00p
dlmfuncs lib 231424 06-01-94 5:00p
init303g obj 4269 06-01-94 5:00p
init304g obj 4273 06-01-94 5:00p
init310g obj 4273 06-01-94 5:00p
init311g obj 2008 06-01-94 5:00p
initenvp obj 524 06-01-94 5:00p
lfinit obj 7391 06-01-94 5:00p
libextp lib 24064 06-01-94 5:00p
mdllib ml 201259 06-01-94 5:00p
microcsl ml 66265 06-01-94 5:00p
rdbmslib ml 8055 06-01-94 5:00p
ustnfrst obj 601 06-01-94 5:00p
autoplot ma 3971 06-01-94 5:00p
bras dlm 186393 06-01-94 5:00p
bras ma 51553 06-01-94 5:00p
calculat ma 10898 06-01-94 5:00p
celllink ma 52101 06-01-94 5:00p
celltool ma 17584 06-01-94 5:00p
dbcheck ma 25884 06-01-94 5:00p
ddcell ma 93696 06-01-94 5:00p
dddesign ma 141767 06-01-94 5:00p
feature ma 13028 06-01-94 5:00p
gis ma 20017 06-01-94 5:00p
magnify ma 17476 06-01-94 5:00p
markers ma 25082 06-01-94 5:00p
merge ma 7734 06-01-94 5:00p
slideshw ma 18527 06-01-94 5:00p
tagset ma 19795 06-01-94 5:00p
texttool ma 27872 06-01-94 5:00p
asneeded 06-01-94 8:27a
required 06-01-94 8:28a
fontinst 06-01-94 8:28a
3dtools ma 200119 06-01-94 5:00p
analyze ma 66129 06-01-94 5:00p
assmat ma 53591 06-01-94 5:00p
builder ma 103173 06-01-94 5:00p
cfgtools ma 31786 06-01-94 5:00p
cfgvars ma 79029 06-01-94 5:00p
cgmin ma 155063 06-01-94 5:00p
cgmout ma 125250 06-01-94 5:00p
chngtxt ma 13842 06-01-94 5:00p
clipbrd ma 5668 06-01-94 5:00p
cmdtedit ma 35810 06-01-94 5:00p
cnvdgn ma 33920 06-01-94 5:00p
colorcon ma 84432 06-01-94 5:00p
compcurv ma 17685 06-01-94 5:00p
curvcalc ma 66549 06-01-94 5:00p
cutter ma 17053 06-01-94 5:00p
dbload ma 16746 06-01-94 5:00p
defmat ma 50777 06-01-94 5:00p
dimset ma 63941 06-01-94 5:00p
dimtool ma 27279 06-01-94 5:00p
drawcomp ma 64245 06-01-94 5:00p
dwgin ma 281364 06-01-94 5:00p
dwgout ma 287195 06-01-94 5:00p
edges ma 34663 06-01-94 5:00p
edituci ma 41808 06-01-94 5:00p
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epson8 ma 22004 06-01-94 5:00p
epson8h ma 22609 06-01-94 5:00p
excolor ma 30828 06-01-94 5:00p
facelift ma 116703 06-01-94 5:00p
filemgr ma 27667 06-01-94 5:00p
flythru ma 47077 06-01-94 5:00p
fontinst ma 40104 06-01-94 5:00p
geomtol ma 25322 06-01-94 5:00p
globlgt ma 38735 06-01-94 5:00p
glossary ma 24025 06-01-94 5:00p
hilite ma 8392 06-01-94 5:00p
hpljet ma 19728 06-01-94 5:00p
iconedit ma 55228 06-01-94 5:00p
igen ma 195234 06-01-94 5:00p
igesin ma 182621 06-01-94 5:00p
igesout ma 133123 06-01-94 5:00p
imagelib dlm 238582 06-01-94 5:00p
imel50 ma 1098 06-01-94 5:00p
itemedit ma 64756 06-01-94 5:00p
lightcon ma 42507 06-01-94 5:00p
linewt ma 24886 06-01-94 5:00p
lstyle ma 96365 06-01-94 5:00p
match ma 26188 06-01-94 5:00p
measure ma 55076 06-01-94 5:00p
menubld ma 82282 06-01-94 5:00p
mlineset ma 48609 06-01-94 5:00p
modify ma 6657 06-01-94 5:00p
movies ma 42283 06-01-94 5:00p
palbld ma 117589 06-01-94 5:00p
pattern ma 38063 06-01-94 5:00p
plaimage ma 20988 06-01-94 5:00p
preview ma 5496 06-01-94 5:00p
rastconv ma 40789 06-01-94 5:00p
redfile ma 2590 06-01-94 5:00p
region ma 27216 06-01-94 5:00p
rendload dlm 259376 06-01-94 5:00p
rendload ma 1283 06-01-94 5:00p
rman ma 67593 06-01-94 5:00p
scrncapt ma 25183 06-01-94 5:00p
section ma 69202 06-01-94 5:00p
selectby ma 64218 06-01-94 5:00p
selectby rsc 959 06-01-94 5:00p
server ma 104548 06-01-94 5:00p
setmgr ma 137340 06-01-94 5:00p
sourcer ma 89959 06-01-94 5:00p
splines ma 150916 06-01-94 5:00p
strgedit ma 39571 06-01-94 5:00p
tags ma 46904 06-01-94 5:00p
units ma 35417 06-01-94 5:00p
userpref ma 61330 06-01-94 5:00p
ustnhelp ma 72160 06-01-94 5:00p
wkspcmgr ma 32258 06-01-94 5:00p
xbload ma 30439 06-01-94 5:00p
import 06-01-94 8:28a
flb ma 30904 06-01-94 5:00p
fontcell ma 41881 06-01-94 5:00p
fontrsc ma 1621 06-01-94 5:00p
pstype1 exp 291840 06-01-94 5:00p
pstype1 ma 3529 06-01-94 5:00p
shx ma 33001 06-01-94 5:00p
truetype exp 286176 06-01-94 5:00p
truetype ma 3513 06-01-94 5:00p
winclip dlm 32172 06-01-94 5:00p
winclip ma 91550 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\MENUS
cell 06-01-94 8:28a
dgn 06-01-94 8:28a
msmenu cel 126464 06-01-94 5:00p
40menu dgn 630272 06-01-94 5:00p
50menu dgn 683008 06-01-94 5:00p
archpa dgn 188416 06-01-94 5:00p
cbmenu dgn 27136 06-01-94 5:00p
fkmenu dgn 66560 06-01-94 5:00p
geompa dgn 169472 06-01-94 5:00p
linepa dgn 103424 06-01-94 5:00p
m1 dgn 139776 06-01-94 5:00p
m3 dgn 202240 06-01-94 5:00p
msfunc dgn 164352 06-01-94 5:00p
mspuck dgn 31744 06-01-94 5:00p
u1 dgn 29696 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\OUT
cgm 06-01-94 8:28a
dgn 06-01-94 8:28a
dwgordxf 06-01-94 8:28a
iges 06-01-94 8:28a
image 06-01-94 8:28a
plot 06-01-94 8:28a
tag 06-01-94 8:28a
Directory of \USTATION\OUT\CGM
Directory of \USTATION\OUT\DGN
v5movie fli 521314 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\OUT\TAG
cal104x plt 3947 06-01-94 5:00p
cal524xx plt 3921 06-01-94 5:00p
cal906 plt 3813 06-01-94 5:00p
cal907 plt 3885 06-01-94 5:00p
cal960 plt 3806 06-01-94 5:00p
controld 1 06-01-94 5:00p
drftmstr plt 4012 06-01-94 5:00p
drftpro plt 3886 06-01-94 5:00p
drftprop plt 4113 06-01-94 5:00p
epson24 plt 3171 06-01-94 5:00p
epson8 plt 3111 06-01-94 5:00p
epson8h plt 3198 06-01-94 5:00p
example plt 2271 06-01-94 5:00p
hidmp40 plt 3869 06-01-94 5:00p
hidmp52 plt 3648 06-01-94 5:00p
hidmp56 plt 3868 06-01-94 5:00p
hp650c plt 9000 06-01-94 5:00p
hp7440a plt 3147 06-01-94 5:00p
hp7470a plt 3190 06-01-94 5:00p
hp7475a plt 3252 06-01-94 5:00p
hp7550a plt 3226 06-01-94 5:00p
hp7580b plt 3442 06-01-94 5:00p
hp7585b plt 3961 06-01-94 5:00p
hpdjet plt 5407 06-01-94 5:00p
hpgl2 plt 4277 06-01-94 5:00p
hpljet plt 2714 06-01-94 5:00p
hpljet3 plt 3610 06-01-94 5:00p
hpljet4 plt 4182 06-01-94 5:00p
hpxl300 plt 8586 06-01-94 5:00p
ioline plt 3696 06-01-94 5:00p
mutoh500 plt 3918 06-01-94 5:00p
novajet2 plt 4650 06-01-94 5:00p
pscript plt 4074 06-01-94 5:00p
pscript pro 1874 06-01-94 5:00p
pscriptc plt 8552 06-01-94 5:00p
sizes dat 4097 06-01-94 5:00p
ver8524 plt 4006 06-01-94 5:00p
ver8536 plt 4102 06-01-94 5:00p
cgm 06-01-94 8:29a
dwg 06-01-94 8:29a
font tbl 157 06-01-94 5:00p
level tbl 6 06-01-94 5:00p
linstyle tbl 86 06-01-94 5:00p
weight tbl 0 06-01-94 5:00p
dwgchar tbl 883 06-01-94 5:00p
dwgcolor tbl 2442 06-01-94 5:00p
dwgfont tbl 94 06-01-94 5:00p
dwglevel tbl 6 06-01-94 5:00p
dwgline tbl 103 06-01-94 5:00p
dwgwght tbl 342 06-01-94 5:00p
dwgwtco tbl 0 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\TMP
Directory of \USTATION\UCM
autoplot ucm 3613 06-01-94 5:00p
blockpat ucm 1734 06-01-94 5:00p
branch ucm 929 06-01-94 5:00p
chgattr ucm 1653 06-01-94 5:00p
digz ucm 910 06-01-94 5:00p
dispchng ucm 1100 06-01-94 5:00p
hilite ucm 484 06-01-94 5:00p
mscb ucm 6117 06-01-94 5:00p
mscm ucm 7003 06-01-94 5:00p
msmm ucm 11009 06-01-94 5:00p
mstut ucm 8223 06-01-94 5:00p
ras_init ucm 84 06-01-94 5:00p
template ucm 1216 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\UTILS
cfig386 exe 44832 06-01-94 5:00p
checksum exe 7957 06-01-94 5:00p
makeout bat 194 06-01-94 5:00p
mapmem exe 14320 06-01-94 5:00p
mark com 2129 06-01-94 5:00p
pharlap 386 9342 06-01-94 5:00p
release exe 12944 06-01-94 5:00p
sysfree exe 14871 06-01-94 5:00p
group exe 18432 06-01-94 5:00p
mswinc5 386 3157 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\WSMOD
arch 06-01-94 8:29a
civil 06-01-94 8:30a
default 06-01-94 8:30a
mapping 06-01-94 8:30a
mechdrft 06-01-94 8:30a
telco 06-01-94 8:30a
cell 06-01-94 8:29a
data 06-01-94 8:29a
seed 06-01-94 8:30a
symb 06-01-94 8:30a
arch cel 74752 06-01-94 5:00p
archpat cel 47104 06-01-94 5:00p
aiaarch lvl 1968 06-01-94 5:00p
aiacivil lvl 1770 06-01-94 5:00p
aiaelec lvl 2496 06-01-94 5:00p
aiafire lvl 1242 06-01-94 5:00p
aialarch lvl 1242 06-01-94 5:00p
aiamech lvl 2430 06-01-94 5:00p
aiaplumb lvl 1374 06-01-94 5:00p
aiastruc lvl 1440 06-01-94 5:00p
arch gls 3598 06-01-94 5:00p
arch lvl 3684 06-01-94 5:00p
archfkey mnu 327 06-01-94 5:00p
archset stg 60229 06-01-94 5:00p
parch lvl 4790 06-01-94 5:00p
archseed dgn 18944 06-01-94 5:00p
sdarch sht 47616 06-01-94 5:00p
sdarch2d dgn 12288 06-01-94 5:00p
sdarch3d dgn 14336 06-01-94 5:00p
sdarchah sht 28672 06-01-94 5:00p
sdarchav sht 29184 06-01-94 5:00p
sdarchb sht 29184 06-01-94 5:00p
sdarchc sht 29696 06-01-94 5:00p
sdarchd sht 30208 06-01-94 5:00p
sdarche sht 31232 06-01-94 5:00p
sdarchf sht 32256 06-01-94 5:00p
archlsty rsc 11657 06-01-94 5:00p
heatlsty rsc 34142 06-01-94 5:00p
hvaclsty rsc 10189 06-01-94 5:00p
plmblsty rsc 29530 06-01-94 5:00p
cell 06-01-94 8:30a
data 06-01-94 8:30a
seed 06-01-94 8:30a
symb 06-01-94 8:30a
civil cel 108544 06-01-94 5:00p
civfkey mnu 327 06-01-94 5:00p
civil gls 585 06-01-94 5:00p
civil lvl 2066 06-01-94 5:00p
civset stg 10764 06-01-94 5:00p
civ2d dgn 16384 06-01-94 5:00p
civ3d dgn 17408 06-01-94 5:00p
civlsty rsc 86095 06-01-94 5:00p
cell 06-01-94 8:30a
data 06-01-94 8:30a
seed 06-01-94 8:30a
symb 06-01-94 8:30a
archpa cel 113152 06-01-94 5:00p
areapat cel 78390 06-01-94 5:00p
ddxampl cel 2560 06-01-94 5:00p
geompa cel 74240 06-01-94 5:00p
igespats cel 5120 06-01-94 5:00p
lighting cdx 512 06-01-94 5:00p
lighting cel 4608 06-01-94 5:00p
linepa cel 120320 06-01-94 5:00p
remodel cel 9728 06-01-94 5:00p
sample cel 3072 06-01-94 5:00p
stlesson cel 3584 06-01-94 5:00p
utilpat cel 9728 06-01-94 5:00p
acadfkey mnu 127 06-01-94 5:00p
acdwinfk mnu 189 06-01-94 5:00p
example gls 712 06-01-94 5:00p
funckey mnu 396 06-01-94 5:00p
macfkey mnu 551 06-01-94 5:00p
material lvl 1372 06-01-94 5:00p
scales stg 5844 06-01-94 5:00p
styles stg 64145 06-01-94 5:00p
units stg 5227 06-01-94 5:00p
schem2d dgn 13824 06-01-94 5:00p
schem3d dgn 15872 06-01-94 5:00p
sdsch2d dgn 13824 06-01-94 5:00p
sdsch3d dgn 15872 06-01-94 5:00p
seed cel 512 06-01-94 5:00p
seed sht 41984 06-01-94 5:00p
seed2d cel 512 06-01-94 5:00p
seed2d dgn 13824 06-01-94 5:00p
seed3d cel 512 06-01-94 5:00p
seed3d dgn 15872 06-01-94 5:00p
seedah sht 19456 06-01-94 5:00p
seedav sht 19456 06-01-94 5:00p
seedb sht 19968 06-01-94 5:00p
seedc sht 20480 06-01-94 5:00p
seedd sht 20992 06-01-94 5:00p
seede sht 22016 06-01-94 5:00p
seedf sht 23040 06-01-94 5:00p
seedz cel 512 06-01-94 5:00p
seedz dgn 15872 06-01-94 5:00p
transeed dgn 12800 06-01-94 5:00p
acadlsty rsc 5380 06-01-94 5:00p
font rsc 386962 06-01-94 5:00p
lstyle rsc 35712 06-01-94 5:00p
cell 06-01-94 8:30a
data 06-01-94 8:30a
seed 06-01-94 8:30a
symb 06-01-94 8:30a
control cel 3072 06-01-94 5:00p
land cel 6144 06-01-94 5:00p
mappat cel 10752 06-01-94 5:00p
mapping cel 36864 06-01-94 5:00p
mapfkey mnu 327 06-01-94 5:00p
mapping gls 468 06-01-94 5:00p
mapping lvl 2838 06-01-94 5:00p
mapset stg 9204 06-01-94 5:00p
map2d dgn 20480 06-01-94 5:00p
map3d dgn 19968 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmap2d dgn 12288 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmap3d dgn 14336 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmapm2d dgn 12288 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmapm3d dgn 14336 06-01-94 5:00p
maplsty rsc 30440 06-01-94 5:00p
cell 06-01-94 8:30a
data 06-01-94 8:30a
seed 06-01-94 8:30a
symb 06-01-94 8:30a
crosshd cel 3072 06-01-94 5:00p
draft cel 30208 06-01-94 5:00p
finish cel 1536 06-01-94 5:00p
geo cel 20480 06-01-94 5:00p
hexcaphd cel 22016 06-01-94 5:00p
hexhd cel 13312 06-01-94 5:00p
mechpat cel 4096 06-01-94 5:00p
nuts cel 17408 06-01-94 5:00p
slothd cel 33792 06-01-94 5:00p
washers cel 6656 06-01-94 5:00p
weld cel 14336 06-01-94 5:00p
countwt lvl 382 06-01-94 5:00p
mechdet lvl 382 06-01-94 5:00p
mechdrft gls 435 06-01-94 5:00p
mechfkey mnu 327 06-01-94 5:00p
mechlay lvl 1372 06-01-94 5:00p
mechset stg 68696 06-01-94 5:00p
spindle lvl 580 06-01-94 5:00p
mechdet dgn 13312 06-01-94 5:00p
mechdetm dgn 11776 06-01-94 5:00p
mechlay dgn 14848 06-01-94 5:00p
mechlaym dgn 13824 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmech sht 49152 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmech2d dgn 12288 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmech3d dgn 14336 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmechah sht 28672 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmechav sht 29184 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmechb sht 29184 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmechc sht 29696 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmechd sht 30208 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmeche sht 31232 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmechf sht 32256 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmeng2d dgn 12288 06-01-94 5:00p
sdmeng3d dgn 14336 06-01-94 5:00p
mechlsty rsc 5889 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\WSUI
arch 06-01-94 8:30a
autocad 06-01-94 8:30a
civil 06-01-94 8:30a
default 06-01-94 8:30a
mapping 06-01-94 8:30a
mde 06-01-94 8:30a
mechdrft 06-01-94 8:30a
newuser 06-01-94 8:30a
review 06-01-94 8:30a
v40 06-01-94 8:30a
ustn m01 13729 06-01-94 5:00p
ustn m01 10639 06-01-94 5:00p
ustn m02 732 06-01-94 5:00p
ustn m01 12471 06-01-94 5:00p
ustn m01 9835 06-01-94 5:00p
ustn m01 2324 06-01-94 5:00p
match m01 830 06-01-94 5:00p
measure m01 858 06-01-94 5:00p
ustn m01 8375 06-01-94 5:00p
ustn m01 12242 06-01-94 5:00p
ustn m01 13500 06-01-94 5:00p
Directory of \USTATION\WSUI\V40
ustn m01 8679 06-01-94 5:00p
ustn m02 732 06-01-94 5:00p